Abiding Ministries

God’s Love and His call over those set apart to lead this Ministry is evident ech day and in so many ways. It is a great opportunity to serve others in the mission field and to experience the heart of God.”

Michael Garcia

Our Story


  • 2023 Tax Deduction Receipts

    2023 tax deduction receipts will be sent out no later than 1/31/2024.  We will send them to the latest email or physical address that we have on file.  Feel free to reach out to us to update your address(es).  Thank you so much for being a part of what God has done this year!  He has moved mightily and has great things in store for 2024! 


2021 Food Distribution

600+ Families Served
Age Group Served

What We Do

Food Security

If you have ever been hungry, you know how loud that voice is to ignore. By feeding people physically, we can help them reach a spot to feed them mentally/spiritually, and when we can feed then spiritually, God can change them forever.


Helping with Safe, Adequate housing though housing repairs and new construction is a staple of our ministry. Additionally, we are often asked to help with church builds, repairs, and additions.

Spiritual Growth

Just like Jesus, everything starts with relationship building. Whether discussing random topics in the Bible, encouraging our brothers and sisters, organized Bible Studies, or prayer, we make ourselves available.


Christmas morning breakfast with presents, Concerts, Retreats, Outreaches, or feeding large groups of people, Jesus is always in the middle of everything we do.

Who We Are

Abiding Ministries began in 2018, as Rob and Christy Day were in their fifth year of mission work on the San Carlos Apache Reservation in eastern Arizona. During those five years, Rob and Christy built numerous relationships, and saw areas of need that were not being addressed. In August 2018, Rob and Christy left the mission organization they were with to found Abiding Ministries. With a focus on spiritual and physical hunger, we are always looking for God’s direction and opportunity to reach His children who are lost, or who have strayed. Partnering with Natives who live in San Carlos, and groups from all over the United States, we are encouraging our Apache brothers and sisters in their walk with the Lord, and making changes to becoming the best self they can be.

Rob Day

Christy Day

Isaiah Adams

How To Help
